For the purpose of making something unique, I decided to forego my usual clean 'realistic' painting method, and switch to a "Blanchitsu" rough-paint look. An experiment to be sure, and one that would fit the theme of this army quite well I think. I'm doing a twist on the Dark Mechanicus, and will likely hold to a nice bone/black/red scheme. I was motivated to do up a bit of a "background lore" to the force, which I'm putting below:
--Message Received at Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World of Metalica. Scrubbed of 10 Techno-Viruses, and 2 Data-Mine Parasites. Rendered in plaintext to limit contamination. Title-stamped Maximum Security. Likelihood of Inquisition knowing rated at 23.38% (err +/-4%)--
The Adeptus Mechanicus is a fractured group of techno-mystics, science-priests, and dogmatic mechanics. Your belief set is so strict, and so limiting, that the true beauty of science, and the true voice of the Machine God, is filtered, distorted, and rendered pathetic. You spend as much time scraping and scrivening, stealing ideas from one another as actually accomplishing anything.
We are the Adeptus Scientia.
We reject these dogmas. We reject this limitation. We will not look through a mirror, darkly, but will look through a perfect crystal, view the universe entirely, and through that, gain power and insight.
We reject these dogmas. We reject this limitation. We will not look through a mirror, darkly, but will look through a perfect crystal, view the universe entirely, and through that, gain power and insight.
We began as an explorator fleet during the Great Crusade. As the rival factions on Mars fought and wrung their hands over the 'right' way to believe, we learned, understood, and incorporated all manner of facets of the Machine God to our knowledge. As the Adeptus Astartes swept through the galaxy, so did we, not destroying but discovering. And when the Warmaster turned his back on his Father, we offered our insights to the Priesthood of Mars, in hopes of preserving and elevating Humanity.
You condemned us.
You bade us return, so we could face punishment.
When we persisted, you exiled us.
Now you will fear us.
We have continued to learn. We have continued to develop, improve, and incorporate. The daemons that so plague the rest of the imperium are our servants. Technology you fear, we use. Principles you eschew as 'heresy', we have mastered and incorporated. We will not be stopped. We are the true masters of technology. You were unable to track us and find us because our technological abilities so outweigh your own. While you hoard jealously what little remains to you, we have begun to spread the teachings, the understandings, to humanity. We honour the principles of the Great Crusade.
We are the true servants of the Machine God.
--Threat Level Omega. Terminate followers, purge evidence, do not recover tech.--